Beacon Hill Roll Call Volume 49 – Report No. 34 August 19-23, 2024

Beacon Hill Roll Call

Volume 49 – Report No. 34

August 19-23, 2024

Copyright © 2024 Beacon Hill Roll Call. All Rights Reserved.


THE HOUSE AND SENATE:  Beacon Hill Roll Call records local representatives’ votes on roll calls from recent sessions. There were no roll calls in the House or Senate last week.

During the week of August 19-23. the House met for a total of 30 minutes and the Senate met for a total of 15 minutes.

$650,000 FOR MICROLOANS TO BUSINESSES (H 4800)- House 155-2, overrode Gov. Healey’s veto of $650,000 (reducing funding from $1.5 million to $850,000) for loans to small businesses.

The Senate did not act on the veto so the veto stands and the $650,000 was eliminated.

(A “Yes” vote is for the $650,000. A “No” vote is against it.)

     Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian   Yes      Rep. Donald Wong             Yes                                    

$7.5 MILLION FOR PROGRAMS TO ENCOURAGE STATE COLLEGE GRADUATES TO BECOME PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS (H 4800)- House 134-24, overrode Gov. Healey’s veto of $7.5 million (reducing funding from $10 million to $2.5 million) for programs to encourage graduates of the state’s public colleges to work as public school teachers.

The Senate did not act on the veto so the veto stands and the $7.5 million was eliminated.

(A “Yes” vote is for the $7.5 million. A “No” vote is against it.)

     Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian   Yes     Rep. Donald Wong             No                                     

$875,000 FOR COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS PROGRAM (H 4800)-    House 154-4, overrode Gov. Healey’s veto of the entire $875,000 for a statewide college and career readiness program implemented by JFYNetWorks, a nonprofit corporation, to provide online instructional curricula to help students meet the Massachusetts state standards at each grade level and reduce learning loss and achievement gaps. The program would also prepare students for required assessments and college placement tests in middle school and high school.

The Senate did not act on the veto so the veto stands and the $875,000 was eliminated.

(A “Yes” vote is for the $875,000. A “No” vote is against it.)

     Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian   Yes     Rep. Donald Wong             Yes                       

For more information and details on each bill please visit the Wakefield Daily Item at

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