Beacon Hill Roll Call
Volume 50 – Report No. 12
March 17 – 21, 2025
Copyright © 2025 Beacon Hill Roll Call. All Rights Reserved.
THE HOUSE AND SENATE: Beacon Hill Roll Call records local representatives’ votes on roll calls from recent debate on the House rules. There were no roll calls in the House or Senate last week.
During the week of March 17-21, the House met for a total of one hour and 18 minutes while the Senate met for a total of one hour and 14 minutes.
MORE TIME TO READ BILLS (H 2024)- House 23-128, rejected a House rules amendment that would require bills be made available to House members and the public no later than noon two days prior to consideration and also sets an amendment deadline of 5 p.m. the day after the bill is released, or one day prior to consideration. For example, a bill released on a Monday by noon would have an amendment deadline of 5 p.m. on Tuesday, and the House would debate and vote on the amendments and the bill on Wednesday.
(A “Yes” vote is for the amendment requiring that members have two days to read legislation before voting on it. A “No” vote is against the amendment.)
Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian – No
Rep. Donald Wong – Yes
KEEP COMMITTEE POLLS OPEN FOR TWO HOURS (H 2026)- House 23-128, rejected a House rules amendment that would require House committee polls to be open for at least two hours or until all committee members have voted. Committee polls are used to record which members favor or oppose a bill that was heard by the committee.
(A “Yes” vote is for the two-hour minimum. A “No” vote is against it.)
Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian – No
Rep. Donald Wong – Yes
NOTIFY REPRESENTATIVES OF COMMITTEE POLLS AT LEAST 12 HOURS IN ADVANCE (H 2024)- House 23-128, rejected a House rules amendment that would require all House committee members to be notified at least 12 hours in advance if the committee is going to poll members electronically.
(A “Yes” vote is for the 12-hour minimum. A “No” vote is against it.)
Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian – No
Rep. Donald Wong – Yes
For more information and details on each bill, roll call attendance, and other relevant information, please visit the Wakefield Daily Item at