Beacon Hill Roll Call
Volume 50 – Report No. 9
February 24 – 28, 2025
Copyright © 2025 Beacon Hill Roll Call. All Rights Reserved.
THE HOUSE AND SENATE: Beacon Hill Roll Call records local senators’ and representatives’ votes on roll calls from the week of February 24-28.
During the week of Feb. 24-28, the House met for a total of ten hours and 24 minutes while the Senate met for a total of two hours and seven minutes.
$425 MILLION FOR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE (EA) SHELTER SYSTEM (H 61)- House 127-23, Senate 32-7, approved and Gov. Maura Healey signed into law a fiscal 2025 supplemental budget that includes $425 million to fund the state’s emergency shelter system and make some changes to tighten eligibility for it.
(A “Yes” vote is for the bill. A “No” vote is against it.)
Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian – Yes
Rep. Donald Wong – No
Sen. Jason Lewis – Yes
ADOPT JOINT HOUSE-SENATE RULES FOR 2025-2026 SESSION (H 2026)- House 128-23, adopted joint House-Senate rules on how the Legislature operates for the 2025-2026 session. The Senate has already approved its own version of joint rules and the House version now goes to the Senate for consideration.
(A “Yes” vote is for the new joint rules. A “No” vote is against them.)
Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian – Yes
Rep. Donald Wong – No
ADOPT HOUSE RULES FOR 2025-2026 SESSION (H 2024)- House 128-23, approved a set of House rules under which the House will operate in 2025-2026.
(A “Yes” vote is for the new House rules. A “No” vote is against them.)
Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian – Yes
Rep. Donald Wong – No
ALLOW STATE AUDITOR TO AUDIT THE HOUSE (H 2024)- House 24-127, rejected an amendment that would require the state auditor, currently Diana DiZoglio, to conduct an annual audit of the House. This requirement was approved by the voters on Question 1 on the November 2024 ballot. The amendment would replace a House rule that the state auditor would recommend a firm to conduct an annual audit of the House and the business manager of the House would hire that firm.
(A “Yes” vote is for the amendment requiring the state auditor to conduct an annual audit. A “No” vote is against the amendment.)
Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian – No
Rep. Donald Wong – Yes
POST AUDITS ON LEGISLATURE’S WEBSITE (H 2046)- House 23-128, rejected an amendment requiring that if there are any audits of the Legislature by the state auditor, the results must be published on the Legislature’s website in a conspicuous place within 72 hours of receipt.
(A “Yes” vote is for the amendment requiring the posting of an audit. A “No” vote is against requiring it.)
Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian – No
Rep. Donald Wong – Yes
KEEP COMMITTEE POLLS OPEN FOR TWO HOURS (H 2026)- House 23-128, rejected an amendment that would require joint committee polls to be open for at least two hours or until all committee members have voted. Committee polls are used to record which members favor or oppose a bill that was heard by the committee.
(A “Yes” vote is for the two-hour minimum. A “No” vote is against it.)
Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian – No
Rep. Donald Wong – Yes
NOTIFY REPRESENTATIVES OF COMMITTEE POLLS AT LEAST 12 HOURS IN ADVANCE (H 2024)- House 23-128, rejected an amendment that would require all joint committee members to be notified at least 12 hours in advance if the committee is going to poll members electronically.
(A “Yes” vote is for the 12-hour minimum. A “No” vote is against it.)
Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian – No
Rep. Donald Wong – Yes
For more information and details on each bill, roll call attendance, and other relevant information, please visit the Wakefield Daily Item at